Buttercms: API – based site service

ButtercMS is an API -based content management system that allows dolopers to implement their own blog or website very quickly. At the same time, this CMS provides you with many capabilities and also supports a variety of programming languages ​​such as Ruby, PHP, Python, CSS, Go, etc., which you will learn more about the capabilities of this service.

Beautiful interface

ButtercMS has a text editing editor that will definitely be accepted by most content and copyright manufacturers because it is very easy to work with and at the same time speeding up your content production.

Optimized SEO

Your blog is on your main domain and the authors can control the meta tags, slogs and titles in your HTML code (Slug is a piece of URL. It is replaced by a 20% sign, but using Slag, for example the dash can be used instead of 20% unreadable characters.


Conventional content management systems send in a specific framework to the query database and ultimately expose the output to users; But with Buttercms, your content is available through a Restful API; So you can have your content wherever you want, and show it any way you want (to get acquainted with the Restful API concept, see the Tutorial on the Restful API.)

Buttercms: API - based site service

Does not require special technology

Ordinary CMS forces you to use a specific technology and make it harder for you to migrate to other options (for example, WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal all three are based on PHP programming language) but buttercms combines with each code; So you can always choose or change your technology.

Without dependence

Ordinary content management systems are highly dependent on your codes and sometimes impose unwanted dependencies! But Buttercms is completely unnecessary from any dependency that allows you to focus only on producing your content.

No maintenance cost

Ordinary CMS requires proper hosting and support, but after using this CMS, your content will be stored on safe #Claud servers and maintenance of information will be the Bottercms backup company and nine (testing this tool for 30 days, for 30 days, for 30 days, for 30 days. It’s free.)

For example, how to use the API of this service using PHP language is as follows:

use ButterCMS\ButterCMS;
$butter = new ButterCMS(‘api_token_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2’);

# Get first page of posts
$butter->fetchPosts([‘page’ => 1]);

# Get single post by slug

# Get RSS feed xml $feed = $butter->fetchFeed(‘rss’);

Or if you want to use the powerful Python language, you can use the Buttercms API:

from butter_cms import ButterCMS
client = ButterCMS(‘api_token_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2’)

# Get first 10 posts
print posts = client.posts.all(page=1, page_size=10)

# Get single post by slug
print post = client.posts.get(‘hello-world’)

# Get RSS feed xml
print client.feeds.get(‘rss’)

In order to build a blog with this service, you can build a blog using Ruby, Rails, Node.js, Python, ASP.NET, Flasc, Django, Go, PHP and React.


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