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September 3, 2022

Artificial intelligence is one of the phrases we hear a lot these days. The progress of artificial intelligence has created many innovations not only in the field of technology but also in various fields and industries. Artificial intelligence has helped us to solve many complex problems easier and make life easier for ourselves and others. One of the areas that experts have decided to use artificial intelligence to…

Tourism APIs and how they work for online tourism service providers

September 3, 2022

According to a report published by TripAdvisor and comScore in 2017, many people prefer to make their reservations through “one-stop” platforms because these platforms meet all the needs of travelers in one place. For this reason, key players in the tourism industry welcome the sharing of tourism data with each other, and these connections are always growing. The synonym of this growing connection, in the field of technology,…

Aadhaar E-KYC check and its applications

September 3, 2022

The overwhelming and rising Indian population has been thinking of the government and its stakeholders for many years to provide citizens with a unique authentication service. Using a unique authentication service, each citizen can use a variety of services once by performing a code, and no longer need to re -approve his identity to use each service. This unique code is called Aadhaar E-Kyc and is issued by…

What is KYC?

September 3, 2022

Businesses should not just think about making money! They need to know who they are doing and be able to identify their customers. These days, identifying customers has become an important issue in business, and most companies and organizations, from banks to retailers, must consider it as an important principle. In this article, we are going to discuss what KYC or customer identity identify and how to use…

Differences between electronic signature and digital signature

September 3, 2022

Signature, what we need to confirm and prove the ownership of the documents. In today’s societies, due to the advancement of technology, there is no need for signatures and paperwork in the past, and manual signature has replaced electronics and digital signatures. One of the common beliefs in the community is the issue of digital signature one with electronic signature. A topic that has been involved in many…

Introducing APIs to set up a cultural business

September 3, 2022

Cultural APIs have further diminished the boundaries between the world of technology and entertainment and education. Different types of entertainment have a significant portion of today’s humans. We all enjoy reading books, watching movies, or listening to the music we love. These cultural hobbies are a good time for us to get away from the concern of the world and immerse ourselves in the world that a talented…

Introducing APIs to authenticate users

September 3, 2022

Authentication is one of the important principles in product development and management. To know from the very beginning what information we are going to get from the user to know more and how we are going to protect this private information is one of the challenges facing product managers. On the other hand, developing authentication systems from scratch is time-consuming and expensive for many product development teams. For…

Introduction to Zapier, IFTTT and Other Automation Tools

September 3, 2022

Have you ever thought to yourself that I wish you had more time a day? Or are you tired of doing things? You may have ever said or heard sentences like “I wish it was 4 hours a day” or “I wish you had done it”. We have good news for you, automation services provide you with this opportunity. With the expansion of technology and the advancement of…

Applications and process of using API in health and medical

September 3, 2022

In the not too distant past, information was placed on paper documents, and if necessary, access to this information was a complicated, slow, and often impossible. In the following years, despite the electronic storage of data, finding the right information was a time -consuming task; However, with the advent of the APIs, organizations have made it much easier for users to access the required information by presenting a…

Introducing practical APIs to start business

September 3, 2022

Have you ever heard the term API? Do you know what the API is and what it does?! We usually use APIs online every day without realizing it. Regardless of the amount of technical knowledge, every online business needs to know what APIs can implement in its business to provide a better shopping experience for its customers. For this we decided to set a set of practical APIs…


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