Implementing virtual reality content on the browser after 23 years using Firefox 55

With the release of version 55 of the popular Firefox browser, it is possible to execute Virtual Reality content with the help of Webvr API; Of course, for full VR experience, you will need a compatible tool like Oculus Rift or HTC Vive.

The Mozilla Foundation recently released a news release that Webvr is in Firefox, the Windows version of the popular browser; All you have to do is connecting a virtual reality headset like HTC Vive and Oculus Rift to your system and the experience of this new world without having to install any other additional software!

Of course, Chrome and Edge browsers have already provided support for Webvr with some restrictions, and Firefox is not the first browser to run VR content, but the Mozilla Foundation has stated that Firex is the first desktop browser to support Webvr. has done.

Webvr was first introduced in 2014 by Vladimir vukićević and while working in Mozilla; Microsoft was also added to the project later, and after joint action by Mozilla and Google; The Mozilla VR team also designed a new framework called A-Frame, which is used to create content for Webvr.

Implementing virtual reality content on the browser after 23 years using Firefox 55

If you have a VR headset right now, with Firefox update you can see some of the things that Mozilla has on your new Webvr site. In the same vein, the chief executive of Mozilla -sean White – revealed the details and history of Webvr; According to Mr. White, web -based virtual reality is nothing new, and he had seen examples about 23 years ago. According to him:

I remember in 1994, I went to a celebration that hosted Mark Pesce; It was there that I saw a Sun Workshop, which was one of the first VR -based web -based examples, but there was nothing but a virtual cube that was rotating! At that moment, there was a simple display of a very exciting job: Putting VR on the web.

In addition, this version of the Firefox browser provides a feature that you need to click on them to play the content they need for the Adobe Flash plugin; This is part of Mozilla’s strategy to remove the flash that will step down by the end of 2020.

The Mozilla Foundation has also stated that it has done a lot of work to reduce the time of reopening the fever from the previous session; Note that Firefox speeds up to open new tabs, namely 1691 tabs in 15 seconds (for more details on this news, see the incredible Firefox speed article in opening a large number of tabs compared to Google Chrome ).

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