Jarves is an integrated CMS that allows web -based web -based web -based web -based development, while designed based on the SIMPhone framework with the Restful API architecture with the support of the PHP version of the above 4.3.
Nowadays, building a website means using Restful API, using ORM and having a modern UI, and the Jarves content management system provides you with all these fits and many more so that everything is available through the Restful API. You can also use any desired orm you want, but at the same time the propel orm is pre -installed because of its high speed.
The user interface of this content management system always has a fixed pattern that includes a list of views, the ability to edit and add views, as well as delete some data. Jarves also provide predefined classes for Frante, back and other parts of the website to create the required views in the shortest possible time. Of course this is not the only thing Jarves doing; It also provides the developer with ways to quickly and easily define ORM objects. Also, if you do not want to write your own PHP or XML configuration, Jarves has predicted a functional editor for such work that you will be able to create ORM objects, Restful APIs, CRUD Views and much more.
Jarves means a lot of freedom of action in the design of the website so that you do not have to use a specific ejacin or lipper, but you can use whatever you need (eg TWIG, Smarty, Pure Php), if you want too Introducing the core of the website, you can do this with the best and most convenient way possible with the Symfony Framework, so that the development of this open -source tool means the development of Symbonial framework; In other words, you do not need to learn a new architecture, but you can rewrite all templates and controllers using SIM.