Twilio: API – based service

Twilio is a so -called PAAS -based communications that allow dolopers to facilitate via API and SMS SMS (SMS) (PAAS stands for Platform as a Service, which is one of the subcontinental branches of computer services. Is a cloud or #Claud.)

Prior to this article entitled IFTTT: A revenue on API -based technology companies that have made it easy to do! We introduced a service that allows Dolopers and even those who do not have much technical knowledge through API so that they can make exquisite products using other companies. Twilio is also one of the companies in the API field. According to Jeff Lawson, the founder and CEO of the company:

We believe that the API creates a structure to provide the necessary infrastructure for innovation, as this technology allows dolopers, organizations and startups to quickly create exquisite ideas.

When Uber was first introduced, it had a relatively simple message sending system that was not very professional. In fact, many of the messages between the driver and the passenger were either not sent, or were delayed, which leaving many passengers waiting for the car. In a word, the Uber was far from what he had promised to its users as an ultra -professional experience.

Twilio: API - based service

In the past, many companies spent thousands of dollars to add their developing teams to their apps; Even though companies hired specialists and engineers in the field of telecommunications, the telecommunications infrastructure was at a very low level and was consequently not responding to their needs.

In an atmosphere where the mobile phone was quickly becoming the most popular device among users, the need for so -called Real Time (instant and instant) was also felt more than ever before; But many companies in the technology industry lacked sufficient knowledge and resources to create such infrastructure. For this reason, when the CEO of Jeff Lawson introduced its API -based services to investors, its real values ​​appeared as a future product. According to the company’s CEO, the company is offered:

We have reduced the crowded and complex world of the phone to just a few API Ricoosts!

So that when he tested his software live and the investor’s phone rang in just a few seconds, they began signing one after another! The reality is that the TWILIO service was so clear for Dolopers and non -specialists that, despite the Tillio service, many bought it because of their busy need.

Twilio has not only helped its customers’ success, but the company also opened the way for companies based on APIs (such as the Stripe, which was introduced in 2011, which offers payment services or the Algolia service released in 2012, which was released in 2012. Provides infrastructure related to web search.)

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